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6 Big Ecommerce SEO Mistakes

If you are into online selling, you are probably facing cut-throat completion from other businesses. SEO is quite important when it comes to promoting your online business and small mistakes can cost you big. Being a digital marketing consultant, I’ve noticed some common SEO mistakes which people make:

1) Low Quality Product Descriptions

Think about two websites, both of them selling laptops. The first one simply has the model number and price tag mentioned in the product description while the other one has reviews, system configuration and durability information. Which website would you buy from?

An effective ecommerce strategy consists of unique content to lure customers. Google also loves great content and is keen on imposing a penalty under Panda Algorithm when it comes to insufficient content.

Whatever you do, never copy content. Don’t copy paste manufacturer descriptions on your website and don’t use the same content on different pages. If you do, most probably, Google will label you as a content thief and impose a penalty.

2) Not Taking Reviews Seriously

Most customers read reviews before making any purchase; reviews are a great way of adding unique content to your page; reviews are what make a website credible.

3) Aiming For Difficult Keywords

An effective keyword strategy is about focusing on a niche and incorporating short-tail keywords. There is one in a million shot that you are going to rank for “Lacoste Shirts” when the company itself is aggressively promoting its official page.

4) Difficult To Understand URLs

Which of the below mentioned URLs seem easier to understand? The second link will help your SEO strategy.

5) Lack Of Focus On Pictures

Pages without pictures fail. In times of cut-throat competition, users will not buy without looking at high resolution pictures of the product. A sure way to please Google is to include picture descriptions.

6) Not using Analytics

If you are not using analytics, you are probably missing out on great insights. You need analytics to understand your leads and to covert visitors into customers.

What Experts Are Saying About SEO?

"The days of SEO being a game outsmarting algorithms are over. Today content strategy and valuable, sustainable strategies are essential, not just tricks and links." ~ Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG

"We should be thinking about social and search as channels that need a unified approach, because the best content should appeal to both channels and the cross-over benefits/economies of scale are potentially huge." ~ Will Critchlow, Founder, Distilled, Inc.

"A company that builds a loyal social following has a built-in army to promote their content, day in and day out. That content will get shared, get links, send social signals…all of which can't be a bad thing." ~ Will Reynolds, Founder, Seer Interactive

"Organizations who can't match up in content creation and promotion may find themselves losing out to content marketers who learn the basics of SEO." ~ Rand Fishkin, CEO/Co-Founder, Moz

"It is essential that marketers dig deeper into search, social, local mobile data to understand how they all work in tandem to impact ranking" ~ Jim Yu, CEO, BrightEdge

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