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How to Write Great Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are written to sell your product – so, it is wise to do some research on what kind of descriptions appeal most to potential customers. Here are a few tips:

Define Your Buyer

Focus on your ideal buyer. Who is he? What does he want and why is he on your website? Address him personally and directly. Think about what your buyer loves and hates; if you are targeting old people, would they be okay with words like crappy and sucky?

A good way to write great product descriptions is to think that you are trying to sell your product face-to-face to your buyer at your retail outlet.

Focus On Product Benefits

Remember, your buyers are not interested in mundane features – they want to find out how does the product benefit them? What are its coolest features? Why should buyers choose you over competitors? What customer problems will your product solve?

Remember, you are selling an experience, not a product.

Get Rid Of Yeah, Yeah Phrases

There are certain phrases people tend to use a lot in product descriptions. For example, ‘excellent product quality’ or ‘number one product in the market.’

These phrases are known as yeah, yeah phrases. When the customer reads them, he knows that this is how every seller describes his product. Ever heard about a seller who didn’t think his product was awesome?

Lower Rational Barriers

To be persuasive and to get rid of rational barriers, use mini stories in your product descriptions. Make people forget that you are trying to sell them the product. Sound excited but don’t make it look like selling the product was the core function of the description. Include details like who made the product, why did he think making this product was important and what were the obstacles which he had to overcome when developing it.

Highlight Customer Favorites

People usually buy products with the highest number of positive reviews. So, highlight products which your customers love! Let buyers give a ‘star rating’ on every product they purchase.

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