Basic Phonic Sounds and Spellings Review Digital Download

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This practice assessment CD was created for those students who have already developed an understanding that different letter combinations make a variety of phonemic sounds. Teachers or parents can use this supplemental educational material to assess students' knowledge of the correct spellings for different phonemic sounds. Each individual track covers multiple phonemic sounds and gives students an opportunity to either write down the correct spelling(s) or verbally say the spelling(s) to an adult. These phonic sounds include: short and long vowel sounds, consonant sounds, consonant blend sounds, consonant digraph sounds, “r” controlled vowel sounds, and diphthong sounds. This product is aligned to meet the Common Core Standards for grades K-3. Use with students in 1st grade and up.
Students are timed as they write or say their answers before the CD moves on to the next sound covered in that individual section. After assessing students on a certain track, students can check their answers by listening to the correct spellings on the answers track. Teachers or parents can use this CD as a pretest to check a student’s prior knowledge on an individual section as well as a posttest to check for a student’s mastery.