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SEO KickStart
Internal coding of a website, proper HTML tag hierarchy are key factors in optimal search engine rankings. Adding proper page titlesMETA tagspage headingsALT attributes and link title attributes in collaboration with social media, email, search engine and content marketing are crucial elements for having a functional and searchable website.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO KickStart

ITS WEB SUITE assists our clients by concentrating on what’s effective for both the search engines as well as their target audience. We focus on appealing to the right traffic for your website, so that traffic converts into sales.

Our search engine optimization, social, email and content marketing services are part of a greater service that we call SEO KickStart. Below are some of the products and services we offer as part of our SEO KickStart plans.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is important for making connections with potential clients as well as brand ambassadors. While social media marketing is best handled in house by passionate and knowledgeable members of your team, there are services we can offer that make this process easier and more effective.


Setting up accounts, integrating accounts with each other as well as your website and designing for social pages all make for a more effective social media marketing campaign. As you develop your online marketing strategy, our firm will help you:Whether you need a video in 5 weeks or you’re just getting started with your research, we’re ready to help. Get in touch today to get a quote and schedule a FREE consultation.


Our Three Promises to You

Our firm is a customer service business. Our goal is to develop a great process for our clients that helps us to work together to get the best results possible. Ultimately we aim to exceed every client’s expectations and have it all happen before the deadline!

To help guide us we developed 3 Promises that we make our clients so that they know what to expect from us.


Keyword and Optimization Strategy

Keyword and Optimization Strategy

In order to achieve competitive rankings in search engines, you need a plan. Through surveys, client conferences and direct analysis, our firm identifies top ranking competitors in search engine listings.

From this data we can work with you to develop a keyword and code optimization strategies for your website. This is a very important stage of the optimization plan because the selected keywords and phrases will be implemented throughout the ongoing online marketing plan.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The internal coding of a web site and proper HTML tag hierarchy is a key factor in optimal search engine rankings. Adding proper page titles, META tags, page headings, ALT attributes and link title attributes are crucial for having a functional and searchable web site.

Once our adjustments have been made, we will review all of the modifications with you to ensure you understand the changes so you can continue these best practices in the future as you update your web site.

Site optimization is just one piece on an effective online marketing strategy. If done correctly, it can be a solid base for other content marketing efforts and can have a positive impact on search engine rankings.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Our firm works with its clients to develop a strategic Content Marketing plan. Content Marketing is the practice of developing and distributing valuable content to a specific target audience with the purpose of driving traffic, conversions and sales.


Our content marketing services focus on:


•    Identifying buyer personas

•    Developing an editorial calendar

•    Developing content marketing channels such as the website,

      mobile site/app, email newsletters, social media and others.

•    Managing ongoing content marketing efforts

•    Tracking stats and adjusting


Email marketing is still a viable and incredibly effective online marketing technique. Using email as an extension of a content marketing plan, our clients are able to drive more qualified traffic to blog posts and targeted landing pages and promotions.


These campaigns can be tracked using the Email Service Provider’s tools to test open rates, click through rates, layouts, etc.


Our email marketing services include:


•    Email newsletter template design and website integration

•    Email service provider setup and integration:

o    AppMe Email Manager

o    Google Apps

•    Ongoing newsletter drop management


Have pricing questions?

We would love to help answer them for you. Tell us a bit about the project to help us get back to you sooner.


You can reach us a couple different ways:


By Chat: You can also chat with us on the website, In a few seconds a chat window should show up in bottom right corner. Unless we are all offline.


Or you can fill out our contact form here and we will get back to you right away.


Completing the entire project beyond expectations 
Asking more than once is something you wont have to do
Keeping you informed at all times, periodically.
It is important to know where things stand, so we will keep you up to date.
We will set reasonable timelines and meet them.
We won’t promise something we can not deliver.

Content Marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Email Marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Zopim Partner


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