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We specialize in strategic sales & marketing.



Face Time is recognized as any direct contact with a Client or Prospect in person. While Surveys, Polls and other less interactive forms of communication can capture vital information, you have to ask yourself whether that information is true and/or as beneficial as what you could obtain from Face Time.


On average a Sales person spends 30% of their time selling. This may seem high to some, low to others, some Managers and Business Owners may think “Who cares, as long as we hit our numbers!”. What is important to some is how to increase “selling time” and profits.

Face Time concerns both Pre and After Sales, the benefits can certainly be measured more easily in Pre Sales unless customer retention rates are below average. Sales leaders will strive to reach a conversion rate of over 70%, above average performers over 50%,  non-interactive Sales 35%. Which is more cost and time effective?


The important of Face Time can also be recognized as an enabler. The benefits are


 Enabling a strong foundation for relationship building


 Enabling a platform to customize approach to the exact needs and feedback of the customer


 Enabling an opportunity to answer questions and personal response


♦ Enabling the buyer to identify with the seller and their company


 Enabling the seller to relay complex information in more easily understood dialog


 Enabling personalized messaging


♦ Enabling both parties to understand other departments or people that are involved in the decision making process.


 Enabling the both parties to understand the procurement process Ultimately offer an opportunity to shorten the        sales cycle.

To have these benefits, and arguably more from Face Time and Direct Selling, why are people spending only 30% or their time selling? One of the key factors is the limited appeal of Cold Calling and the human nature of wanting to stay within the boundaries of a recognized comfort zone. You have to break out of your comfort zone and show yourself.


The importance of Face Time cannot replace the need for a robust Sales and Marketing strategy, people still buy from people. In addition, in a competitive environment having a platform to maximize results and to be different is crucial. It is not a case of reaching into the unknown and completely breaching your comfort zone, more, improving productivity and the opportunity to maximize results

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